Tune Into Ruan's Practical Nontoxic Living Podcast for Health, Wellness, and Detox Insights

Practical Nontoxic Living podcast cover with Sophia Ruan Gushee, viewed from an iPhone

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Sophia Ruan Gushée speaks to rockstar doctors, scientists, and wellness warriors about practical ways to optimize health, healing, beauty, and more.

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A Modern Consideration Of Healthy Living

Author of critically acclaimed bestselling books A to Z of D-Toxing, Home Detox Workbook, and EMF Detox Workbook, Sophia Ruan Gushée hosts one of the best podcasts on clean living. She talks to thought leaders and wellness warriors to bring you empowering tips and frameworks for a practical nontoxic and healing lifestyle. Sophia can help you detox chemicals, heavy metals, and EMFs from what you buy, own, and do while protecting your joy and convenience. 


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E75. How to Build a Cleaner, Safer Home to Support Your Health with Alison Davin

Alison is the founder of Jute Interior Design, which curates beautiful spaces rooted in wellness with a focus on nontoxic materials.

Alison joins the podcast to discuss her passion for nontoxic living, and the multiple chemical sensitivities she has managed her entire life — much like a "canary in a coal mine" — have inspired her to research a way to design and live a beautiful life without these harmful chemicals. As Alison describes, the nontoxic solution is often cheaper and more budget-friendly than more toxic options. 

Sophia and Alison discuss common misconceptions about "healthier" design and building materials, such as paint, wood, wallpaper, stone, ceramic, and more. 

Find full show notes here.

E74. How to Avoid Microplastics: Three Easy Products to Swap in Your Household

This week on Practical Nontoxic Living, Sophia Ruan Gushée details three common ways microplastics and nanoplastics infiltrate your home — and how to avoid them! Swapping these products for less toxic alternatives can protect both your long-term health, fertility, and well-being, and also the environment! 

Shop: Stainless Steel Water Bottle mentioned in episode

Show notes coming soon!

E73. Obesogens: Why Healthy Habits Are Not Enough

This episode features a short excerpt from January's Detox Workshop, all about Obesogens! This is a short overview on the most researched theories about the recent meteoric rise of obesity and metabolic syndrome across the world, and especially in the United States. 

The full presentation is available via replay through the D-Tox Academy. D-Tox Academy is a membership-based library of nontoxic resources, designed to simplify clean living for you. Learn more about membership to access the workshop replay here.

Show Notes coming soon!

E72. Holistic Health and Nontoxic Living 

In this episode of Practical Nontoxic Living, Heidi Kuijmian O'Brien joins to discuss holistic health, how to optimize your blood sugar, and health trends. She shares her journey to nontoxic living, and Heidi and Elizabeth discuss her top three tips to prioritize to get started with a more holistic lifestyle! 

Heidi Kuimjian O'Brien is a certified expert in Holistic Nutrition and the visionary force behind a thriving digital marketing consultancy dedicated to wellness brands. Heidi is also the host of the podcast, LIFELONG, a show focused on non-toxic living and longevity.

Click here to access the show notes.

E71. Top 3 Tips for Nontoxic Living

What are the top three ways to start detoxing your lifestyle from harmful chemicals, heavy metals, and EMFs?

In this episode of Practical Nontoxic Living, Sophia Ruan Gushée shares her answers and discusses nontoxic lifestyles and approaches to motherhood with Samantha Radford from Evidence Based Mommy. 

Samantha Radford is a PhD chemist, Public Health expert, and mom of four. Learn more about her here!

Click here to access the show notes.

E70. Are EMF Regulations Enough?

Daniel DeBaun, founder of DefenderShield, joins Sophia on Practical Nontoxic Living to discuss how to protect our bodies from EMF exposure, if regulations reflect the most up-to-date science, and an update on the iPhone 12 wireless violations in France. 

Daniel is an internationally recognized and influential expert in Electromagnetic Radiation (EMF) and shielding electronic emissions, with a particular focus on the effect of exposure from mobile devices such as laptops, tablets and cell phones. Daniel’s concern regarding the health impact of electronic radiation emissions grew from over 30 years of engineering experience in the telecommunications industry, where he held a variety of leadership and executive positions at Bell Labs, AT&T, SAIC and Telcordia. For podcast show notes, click here: Are EMF Regulations Enough?

E69. How Do Forever Chemicals Affect Breast Cancer?

In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month this October, Sophia sits down with Nancy Buermeyer of Breast Cancer Prevention Partners (BCPP). BCPP works to eliminate environmental toxins that contribute to cancer from our water, food, and consumer products.

Nancy is the Director of Policy and Programming, and has influenced state and federal laws that protect consumers from these environmental toxins. Nancy and Sophia discuss Forever Chemicals, recent California legislation, Prop 65 labeling and what it means, and what to do if you're ordering from another state, and more.

Show Notes available here.


E68. Is Cell Phone Radiation Harmful?

Dr. David O. Carpenter joins Sophia to discuss EMFs, cellphone radiation standards, and how to protect yourself from cellphone EMF exposure. This conversation is especially topical regarding the potential iPhone 12 recall in France due to it exceeding radiation regulations.

Dr. David O. Carpenter is a public health physician whose research areas of interest include electromagnetic fields (EMFs), other environmental contaminants (like PCBs), and their effect on human health. Click here for podcast show notes: Is cell phone radiation harmful?

E67. The 40-Day Home Detox

What is the 40-Day Home Detox program? Why is it important? How will it change your life?

Learn all about the program here: 40-DAY HOME DETOX.

Watch the free workshop replay to learn about the health risks from environmental & household toxic exposures, and why a foundation of nontoxic living is so important in your home. Click here to watch.


E66. Which Toxins are in My Body?

This episode features Jenna Hua, PhD, MPH—founder and CEO of Million Marker.

Dr. Hua shares her journey from working in the hospital system, to her fertility journey, to ultimately researching our household toxic exposures. Dr. Hua founded Million Marker, which offers body toxicity test kits to inform you of your levels of common and avoidable endocrine-disrupting chemicals. This information can empower you to make changes to improve your chances of conceiving. Click here for podcast show notes: Toxic Chemicals in Your Body: Protect Your Development, Fertility, and Peace of Mind

E65. Which Household Items Threaten Mental Health?

With over 200 identified neurotoxicants, we have a great opportunity to protect our mental health from the neurotoxicants in our consumer products and routines. In this episode, Sophia discusses key things you should know about mental health and neurotoxicants in your life. As always, she offers practical tips to avoid them as well. Click here for notes: Mental Health Detox Workshop

E64. Nontoxic Living Through Your Unique Blueprint

This week's podcast features Human Design expert Erin Claire Jones! Erin and Sophia discuss the basics of Human Design, energy types, unique blueprints in parenting & family life. 

E63. Isolation, Technology, and EMFs: How Can We Adjust Our Habits?

This week's episode is an exerpt from our most recent Use the News segment — all about mental health, technology, and toxins!

E62. Melatonin & Restoring Your Circadian Rhythm

Sophia and Elizabeth discuss recent studies regarding the actual content of over-the-counter melatonin supplements. They break down the study from the Journal of the American Medical Association, discuss their bedtime rituals, and their favorite ways to naturally restore balance to their circadian rhythms.

E61. Foundations of a Healthy Home Environment with Andrew Pace

Sophia and Andrew Pace discuss the basics of a healthy home environment. The two nontoxic environmental experts discuss their favorite free tips for a healthier home, how to adjust your mindset, and the unexpected ways in which nontoxic living can make your life easier (and save you money!)

E60. How Can I Avoid Endocrine Disruptors like BPA in Receipts?

Learn how to protect your skin from absorbing endocrine disruptors (EDCs). Sophia gives detailed background on Bisphenol-A (BPA) and other endocrine-disruptors, and how to avoid absorption through the skin from receipts.

E59. How Does Mold Affect Health & Preventing Mold in Your Home with Cheryl Ciecko

Cheryl Ciecko joins Sophia to discuss her expertise with mold exposure and mitigation in home architecture. They discuss Cheryl's personal healing journey from toxic mold, how to create "safe spaces" from mold, and her other tips to avoid mold and dust accumulation in your home.

Find Cheryl online at AvoidingMold.com to learn more.

E58. How Do Chemicals Affect Masculinity?

Sophia and Elizabeth discuss endocrine-disrupting chemicals have been linked to alterations in male reproductive organs — like lower quality and/or less sperm,  smaller anogenital distance, and even smaller genitals. They also give some quick and easy tips to implement into your shopping habits today.

E57. What is the cleanest fish? Tips to detox chemicals & heavy metals from your diet

Sophia and Elizabeth discuss recent studies making headlines about forever chemicals in fish. They break down the findings for you, discuss their favorite ways to enjoy seafood mindfully, and some easy solutions for you to implement in your grocery list! 

E56. How Safe Are Cell Phones, 5G, and Wireless for My Body?

This week, we are joined by Theodora Scarato, Executive Director of the Environmental Health Trust.

The EHT recently won a lawsuit against the FCC for not updating their wireless safety regulations according to current research. (The last time it was updated was 1996!)

We discuss the EHT's work to protect our families from the known and unknown effects of wireless exposure and compare the U.S. standards of technology use to those of other countries. Click here for podcast show notes: EMF Protection and Regulation with Theodora Scarato 

E 55: Forever Chemicals Hiding in Your Food

Quick Tips: This episode is just Sophia and Elizabeth! They sit down to chat about ways to avoid PFAS/forever chemicals in your daily routine. They talk about which foods might be the most contaminated, how they shop in groceries stores to minimize their exposures, and how to avoid PFAS in other aspects of your daily life — like laundry detergent! 

Listen to the end for an update on the regulations on 1,4 Dioxane implemented in 2023!

E54. Mindfulness & Safety with Technology with August Brice

This is the one all about energy and EMFs! Sophia and Elizabeth sit down with August Brice, Founder of TechWellness, to discuss EMFs (electromagnetic fields). We talk about what they are, different types of EMFs and frequencies, different ways to protect our bodies while traveling and in our homes, and how amazing and resilient our bodies are! If you're curious about EMFs but don't know where to start, this is the episode for you! 

E53. REVISIT: Healing from EMFs with Dr. Jill Blakeway

This week’s episode features Sophia’s interview with Dr. Jill Blakeway, originally published in 2020. Although so much of our world has changed since then, this episode is full of excellent takeaways to apply into your everyday life! Spring cleaning is more than just your house — time to cleanse your energetic field too! 

E52. Nontoxic Living in My Life 

Welcome Elizabeth McCormick to the Ruan Living team! Our newest member sits down with Sophia to discuss how the two are currently applying nontoxic living into their homes and lives. Elizabeth shares her personal journey that led her to nontoxic living, how she and Sophia connected, and what she’s currently working on in her home and habits! Enjoy!! 

E51. Protect Yourself from Talc in Powders

Tips to avoid exposure to asbestos from talc & talcum powder! Sophia reviews important takeaways from the many lawsuits against Johnson & Johnson regarding asbestos from talc in their baby powders. Talc can also be found in many different household items, including makeup powders. (think face powder, eye shadow, etc), making this essential listening for everyone! 

E50. Dry Shampoo & Other Aerosols

In 2022, too many brands of dry shampoo were recalled due to their cancer risks. In this episode, which is part of her Ruan Powwow for the D-Tox Academy, Sophia tells you what you should know about dry shampoo and how you can find the best "nontoxic" dry shampoo for your preferences. Click here to watch her Ruan Powwow on Dry Shampoo.

E49. How To Find Nontoxic Building Materials

Andrew Pace is a Healthy Home Concierge, host of the Non Toxic Environments Podcast, and founder of The Green Design Center, the oldest healthy building supply company in the United States and a leading resource for homeowners and contractors looking to source products that are healthy. A worldwide expert on green and healthy building products and services, Andrew has become one of the single most helpful and educational experts dealing with the day-to-day concerns of those individuals who suffer from allergies, asthma, and chemical sensitivities. Click here for podcast show notes: Andrew Pace.

E48. Home Detox Part 3

In this final session of the three-part Home Detox Workshop series that Sophia, Sophia shares simple tips to detox your drinking water and sleep quality. Click here for podcast show notes: Home Detox Part 3.

E47. Home Detox Part 2

In spring 2021, Sophia led a three-part home detox workshop series. If you're a beginner, then this series will be so helpful. Click here for podcast show notes: Home Detox Part 2.

E46. Home Detox Part 1

Why Small Changes Can Have A Big Impact

In spring 2021, Sophia led a three-part home detox workshop series. If you're a beginner, then this series will be so helpful. Listen to Sophia explain why any small detox tweak can help. In this episode, Sophia is interviewed by the wonderful Abby Knott, co-founder of Everwell. Click here for podcast show notes: Home Detox Part 1.

E45. Make Home a Pillar of Health

A California native and Environmental Health & Safety Specialist, Domonique Silva started her career at the NASA Armstrong Flight Research Center and has been learning and working in the field of Environmental & Occupational Health for 10 years. 

Given her expertise in environmental health, I thought it was particularly interesting to learn what helped Dominique's personal struggles with allergies, eczema, bloating, fatigue, and depression. They were healed by changing her diet, detoxing her household products and drinking water, and making her home healthier. Click here for podcast show notes.

E44. Tips to Protect Your Body from 5G

Daniel DeBaun is an internationally recognized expert in Electromagnetic Radiation (EMF), co-author of the bestselling book, Radiation Nation, and co-founder & CEO of DefenderShield.  When Daniel last appeared on Practical Nontoxic Living podcast episode 17, 5G had not yet rolled out nationwide. What then, have we learned about the new wireless communication network? Sophia and Daniel discuss the current EMF environment, how 5G differs from previous signals, the importance of creating a “sanctuary” free of mobile devices in your bedroom, and much more! Click here for podcast show notes: Daniel DeBaun.

E43. Milk's Magnetic Powers

Multi-passionate and multi-talented Jody Levy is a creator of art, wellness ventures, and much more. In this episode, we hear how Jody's personal experiences and passion for our inner- and outer- ecosystems have inspired her professional endeavors including The LabElymental Milk Cleanse—an Ayurvedic-inspired, doctor-developed cleanse that combines the magnetic power of full-fat milk and proprietary supplements to help clear, cleanse and balance our modern lifestyle. To watch this conversation from our Instagram Live and view podcast show notes, click here: episode 43.

E42. Detox Your Hormones

After 14 years of unexplained infertility, Sara Jensen and her husband were shocked to learn that products we use daily—including some products that claim to be "clean" and nontoxic—contain hormone-disrupting chemicals that increase our risks to a long list of things including adverse reproductive outcomes. Motivated by what they learned, they launched their company Hugh and Grace to offer high-performing, natural products. Click here to see the podcast transcript and watch our Instagram Live recording: episode 42.

E41. Benefits of Flower Essences

Katie Hess is a flower alchemist, author of Flowerevolution, and founder of LOTUSWEI, one of the world’s leading floral apothecaries. With her signature elixirs featured in O, The Oprah Magazine, the New York Times, and the LA Times, her flower-powered community is thriving in over 15 countries. Listen to how flower essences can enhance your wellbeing. Click here to see the podcast transcript and watch our Instagram Live recording: episode 41.

E40: Resonate with Sound Healing and Vibration Therapy

While inside Woom's multisensory studio with visual art displayed on the walls around us, Elian and I talk about how sound and vibration therapy have changed her life. Listen to how it may enhance yours! Click to watch Sophia's conversation with Elian Zach at Woom Center:Sound & Vibration Therapy.

E39. Transform Unconscious Patterns Into Conscious Choices

Jozi Radus is the creator of the Unconscious Mapping System (UMS), which is a method that she designed to help clients transform their unconscious patterns into conscious choices. The UMS can empower and liberate you for an elevated life. Click here for the podcast show notes: episode 39.

E38. How Your Fertility & Reproductive Health Signal Your Later Health & Life Expectancy

Author of the groundbreaking book Count Down: How Our Modern World Is Threatening Sperm Counts, Altering Male and Female Reproductive Development, and Imperiling the Future of the Human Race (with writer Stacey Colino), Dr. Shanna H. Swan is one of the world’s leading environmental and reproductive epidemiologists at Mount Sinai in NYC. Listen to Dr. Swan's empowering insights to optimize influences on your reproductive health, fertility, assisted reproductive efforts, pregnancy outcomes, and overall health.. Click here for the podcast show notes: episode 38.

E37. Alchemy From Daily Rituals

Diagnosed in her 20s with autoimmune diseases, Shiva Rose, author of the bestselling book Whole Beauty and creator of Shiva Rose Beauty, transformed her health and wellbeing by modifying her daily rituals. Listen to Shiva's inspiring story of resiliency, recovery, and thriving from a physician's death sentence. Click here for the podcast show notes: episode 37.

E36. Glowing Skin From Kitchen Staples to Primally Pure

Founder of Primally Pure, Bethany McDaniel is a farmer’s wife and mother of two young kids. In this podcast, Bethany shares the small detox tweaks that transformed her life. They led Bethany, in 2015, to launch her gorgeous brand, Primally Pure—a line of natural skincare and personal care products that are made with clean, certified organic, and consciously sourced ingredients. She shares many practical tips—like starting with your pantry ingredients as you begin your self-care detox. Click here for the podcast show notes: episode 36.

E35. Feel Better With Age!

At age 61, Elissa Goodman is a glowing reminder of how effectively mindful living can heal.

Diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma at age 32, Elissa was later diagnosed with Hypothyroidism, Hashimoto’s, and Celiac disease. Eleven years after her cancer diagnosis, her husband Marc was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and passed away 18 months later at age 45.

At age 61, Elissa feels better than ever, even better than she did in her 20s! Hear simple ways through which Elissa transformed her life. Click here for the podcast show notes: episode 35.

E34. "Sick of Being Sick"

Functional Health Coach for Women’s Health & Fertility, Nita Ewald was often sick as a child. Starting at age 29, however, she started to become less sick. And there was only one change that occurred: She detoxed her cleaning products, personal care products, diet, etc. Nita believes this "environmental" change strengthened her immune system.

Healthier than ever, she was surprised to be diagnosed with unexplained infertility. Listen to the #1 thing that helped her become pregnant naturally.

With a master's in chemistry and now a Functional Health Coach who empowers women on their fertility journey, Nita offers a unique perspective that can help everyone—whether your fertility feels relevant or not. Because, as Nita says, fertility is a reflection, or extension, of our health. Click here for the podcast show notes: episode 34.

E33. Infrared Saunas: Optimize the Benefits

Connie Zack is co-owner of Sunlighten. Click here for the podcast interview: episode 33.

E32. Healing & Thriving Lessons from Cancer to Optimize Your Life Quality

Ariana Ost Martz is founder of her design atelier Ariana Ost. Click here for the podcast interview: episode 32.

E31: Effortlessly Enjoy Curated Natural Wines: Biodynamic, Organic, Lab-Tested for Purity

Todd White is founder of Dry Farm Wines, the largest importer and reseller of natural wines in the world. Dry Farm Wines is bringing natural wine to the health-conscious masses. Click here for the podcast interview: episode 31 with Todd White, founder of Dry Farm Wines.

E30: Master Organic Mattresses & Sustainable Interior Design for an Eco-friendly Home

Anticipating his first grandchild, Barry A. Cik shopped for a suitable crib mattress. However, as a board-certified environmental engineer with eco-friendly preferences, Barry was surprised to learn that most bedding manufacturers used harmful chemicals and materials. This inspired Barry to leverage his background in environmental engineering to create the safest mattress products possible for various price points. Thus, Naturepedic, an industry-leading organic mattress manufacturer, was formed. Click here to watch the podcast interview: episode 30 with Barry Cik, founder of Naturepedic.

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Episodes 1-29

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