Transform Your Home, Elevate Your Health: The Ultimate Home Detox

The Ultimate Home Detox Experience by Sophia Ruan Gushée Transforms Your Home Into A Healing Space.



Life is busy and there's endless information about nontoxic living.

A wasteland of buzzwords, acronyms, and marketing lingo—it's enough to make your head spin.

And, in the worst case, enough to simply give up on cleaning up.

The Ultimate Home Detox experience simplifies how to detoxify your life—guided by invaluable support.

Every step of the way.

Why Detoxing Your Home Is Essential for Optimal Health

Most people focus on eating organic and exercising, but hidden toxins in your home could be affecting your well-being. From heavy metals and Forever Chemicals in cookware to endocrine disruptors in furniture, your living space could be exposing you to chemicals that impact your hormones, energy, and immune system.

That's where we come in.

The Ultimate Home Detox experience can help you avoid toxic exposure—chemicals, heavy metals, and EMFs—from your home, diet, self-care, and technology. Your household products, habits, and mindset are manageable areas that you can detox to optimize the influences on your epigenetics and well-being. 

Ruan Living's detoxification strategy is to identify practical opportunities for clean living. Ruan Living Offerings specialize in offering impactful choices that won't threaten your convenience and joy. Together, we can identify shortcuts to detoxify your environment, detox your house, detoxify your life.


Research shows that...

Swapping your daily items for practical nontoxic alternatives and modifying other dietary and lifestyle factors can dramatically reduce your body burden of harmful chemicals that are also recognized as carcinogens, endocrine disruptors, reproductive toxicants, developmental toxicants, immunotoxicants, and neurotoxicants.

Certain common chemicals exit your body in days.

Others in hours.

So, when you reduce your toxic exposure, you can reduce your body burden. Some of these toxic chemicals, heavy metals, and EMFs contribute to a long list of health issues. While a chemical free home and toxic free living are impossible, you can significantly reduce your lifetime toxic exposure through simple modifications!

Ruan Living leads you to easy detox changes—changes that you won't mind making.

If you're like most people, your toxic exposure...

is an overlooked pillar of health that is as important as diet, exercise, sleep, and stress. Benefits of living a healthy lifestyle comes with awareness of toxic chemicals, heavy metals, and EMFs from your home, diet, self-care, and technology. Informing your body, brain, and energy on how to avoid toxicity will unburden them and optimize their restorative opportunities and your unique resiliency for the factors that are outside your control.

What is the most effective way to detox your body and brain?

Science has proven that our environment and lifestyle influence our genetic expressions. Environment detoxes—especially of your home—is often an untapped opportunity to unleash invaluable benefits.

Enhance your healthy lifestyle benefits by curating your home's indoor environment, your habits, and your mindset. A practical nontoxic lifestyle—avoiding toxic chemicals, heavy metals, and EMFs when it's easy—can help you enjoy the best versions of yourself. At Ruan Living, we don't strive for toxic free living or a chemical free home but we promote science-based approaches to avoiding toxicity when it's easy.

What You’ll Learn in The Ultimate Home Detox

✔️ Identify and remove toxicity: toxic chemicals, heavy metals, and indoor pollutants
✔️ Choose non-toxic cookware, furniture, and personal care products
✔️ Reduce EMFs (electromagnetic fields) from electronics
✔️ Improve indoor air quality for better sleep and energy
✔️ Detox every room in your home and swap toxic products for safer ones 

How The Ultimate Home Detox Can Transform Your Well-Being

The US EPA estimates that indoor air tends to be at least 2-5 times more polluted than outdoor air, even in the most industrialized cities. Why? 

While indoor air quality results from many factors, important sources of toxicity originate from what you buy, own, and do. So, if you detox what you buy, own, and do, you can reduce toxic exposure and your body burden! 

Developed by Sophia Ruan Gushée, nontoxic lifestyle expert and bestselling author of A to Z of D-Toxing, The Ultimate Home Detox is the best home detox program for a healthy home makeover. It is centered on a step-by-step plan and Sophia's unique LOLA POP Detox MethodTMto eliminate toxicants from every room in your home.

Phase 1

40-Day Home Detox

Simplify nontoxic living by informing your commonsense. During the 40-Home Detox program, you'll apply Sophia's signature LOLA POP Detox Method as you detox every room and reclaim your well-being.

Phase 2

D-Tox Academy

After the 40-Day Home Detox resets your home and lifestyle, the D-Tox Academy will continue to simplify nontoxic living for you.

VIP Concierge Service

Your Guide

Sophia Ruan Gushée has unparalleled expertise in practical nontoxic living as author of the critically acclaimed bestselling book A to Z of D-Toxing: The Ultimate Guide To Reducing Our Toxic Exposures and host of the Practical Nontoxic Living podcast. Click here to learn more about her: Sophia Ruan Gushée


Meet Sophia Ruan Gushée:

Your Guide to a Healthy Home & Practical Nontoxic Lifestyle

Sophia Ruan Gushée is author of the bestselling book A to Z of D-Toxing, which has been praised by the world's leading scientists, physicians, and wellness pioneers. She is a sought-after nontoxic lifestyle speaker and advisor.

I am passionate about empowering people with the safest way to detox their bodies: avoiding toxic chemicals, heavy metals, and electromagnetic fields (EMFs) from what we buy, own, and do.

My fascination with avoiding toxic exposures began soon after my first daughter was born in 2007. As a new mom, I was shocked to learn...

Click below to learn more about Sophia.


What is Home?

Ruan Living considers "Home" as more than just real estate. From our founder's eight years of research for A to Z of D-Toxing and her never-ending intellectual and practical pursuits in this field, we appreciate that the health of our bodies (the first home of children) is limited by not just the health of where we reside and work, but also by the health of our inner and outer ecosystems and planet. Collectively, our bodies, real estate, and planet are our Homes. Knowing how permeable the borders among them are, Ruan Living's practical nontoxic lifestyle considers our Homes. 

Detoxing The World...

Sophia Ruan Gushée, Ruan Living's founder, has been the go-to nontoxic lifestyle expert for +17 years for the world's leading health, wellness, beauty, or lifestyle platforms such as the select ones below. Click to learn more about Sophia's events and press.

Health magazine features Sophia Ruan Gushee, home detox and nontoxic lifestyle expert
Family Circle features Sophia Ruan Gushee, home detox and nontoxic lifestyle expert
Purist magazine features Sophia Ruan Gushee, home detox and nontoxic lifestyle expert
Dr. Frank Lipman features Sophia Ruan Gushee, home detox and nontoxic lifestyle expert
Fast Company features Sophia Ruan Gushee, home detox and nontoxic lifestyle expert
Elle magazine featured Sophia Ruan Gushee
AOL features Sophia Ruan Gushee, home detox and clean living expert
Beach magazine features Sophia Ruan Gushee, home detox and clean living expert
Brown University School of Public Health invites Sophia Ruan Gushee to its Advisory Council
Manhattan magazine featured Sophia Ruan Gushee
Reader's Digest featured Sophia Ruan Gushee, nontoxic living expert




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