$25.00 USD

Every month

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D-Tox Academy Membership

Avoid toxic chemicals, heavy metals, and EMFs from what's easy to change—without compromising your joy and convenience! We're here to simplify nontoxic living for you.

If you don't need further convincing, just complete the checkout form on this page.

D-Tox Academy can help you if you answer yes to any of the questions below.

  • Do you want to improve your indoor environment, especially your bedrooms?
  • Do you want to decrease your body burden?

  • Do you want to save time and money in finding safer cleaning products, beauty products, personal care products, kitchen and food items, interior furnishings, and children's products?
  • Do you want to decrease your radiation exposure from technology?
  • Would you like to optimize your and your loved ones' brain health, mental health, endocrine system, respiratory system, immune system, development, and life quality?

  • Do you want to help our planet while helping yourself?

  • Do you want to enhance your consciousness and enjoy more mindful living?
  •  Are you interested in minimizing contributing factors to chronic health issues?

  • Do you want strategies to quickly navigate greenwashing?

  • Do you want to detox for pregnancy or for a new baby?
  • Do you want to optimize factors for the healthiest birth outcome possible for you?

D-Tox Academy is enrolling now! Join today and cancel for free at any time.


Some of the many benefits include:

  • Videos, checklists, and shopping guides. This online detox universe will empower you to avoid the most common sources of chemicals, heavy metals, and radiation (EMFs). They are organized by the key pillars of your life that you won't mind tweaking.
    • Pillar 1 Detox 101
    • Pillar 2 Home Detox 101 (budget-friendly tips—videos and checklists—to detox your home's air, dust, hands, water, and sleep)
    • Pillar 3 EMF Detox (21 power lessons with videos and checklists to help you reduce your radiation exposure)
    • Pillar 4 Cleaning Detox
    • Pillar 5 Self-Care Detox
    • Pillar 6 Diet Detox
    • Pillar 7 Interior Furnishings Detox
    • Pillar 8 Fashion Detox (new!)
    • Pillar 9 Baby Detox (new!)
    • Pillar 10 Children's Detox (new!) 
  • A private community forum called Healing Space for Q&A.
  • Practical nontoxic product recommendations and Shopping Guides. These recommendations were kid-tested and mom-approved!
  • Monthly emails with a mini-lesson and guidance to direct your attention to D-Tox Academy resources.


  • Nontoxic Cleaning Starter Kit (includes video workshop and cleaning recipe cards)
  • Forever Chemical Detox Course ($495 offer, included free in membership!)
  • Home Detox Workbook series (a 3-part series to provide more context for each set of checklists in the Home Detox Workbook)
  • Innovators of Wellness (gorgeous videos and fascinating interviews with innovators of wellness—discussing diet, sleep, real estate, energy, auras, and balancing work and life)
  • Access everything via the free Ruan Living app