$297.00 USD

EMF Detox

Detox radiation from your technology & optimize your energy hygiene.

Transform your relationship with technology & protect your long-term health:

  •  EMF Detox. 21+ instructional video lessons and PDF checklists to help you & your family apply the D-Tox Approach:
    • Baseline Assessment
    • 21+ power lessons in 5 workshops
      1. EMFs Overview
      2. Healthy Technology Habits
      3. Home EMF Edit
      4. Evening EMF Edit
      5. Body EMF Edit
    • Bonus: this naturally helps establish a healthier relationship with your technology
  • Healing Space: Private online community
  • Access everything from any Internet-enabled device including the Ruan Livingapp

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BEFORE PURCHASING: Please review and approve of the EMF Detox—Program Terms & Conditions. Click here to get started.